At the start of the teaser trailer we will be using informal clothing for our protagonist. By this I mean that he will be wearing a plain white t-shit and a plain pair of trousers. The reason why we have chosen him to wear this is because we think that this will inform the audience the type of person he is. For instance this will show that he has some sort of mental faculties and is low of self esteem as by wearing this form of clothing this has connotations of this and in the research we have conducted this is what people who can’t sleep are commonly represented as, such as Fight Club.

Formal Clothing - Suit and Tie
The main form of clothing that we will be using is formal clothing; this will be a suit and tie. The reason why we have chosen to use this and give this to our protagonist is because from the extensive research that we have conducted we noticed that this was a common form of clothing and therefore by us using the same this will make our production look professional. However we are also thinking of using something that is different so that we have not followed the crowd. Another reason why we have chosen to give our protagonist a suit and tie is because this has connotations of being professional, a hero and well off. As these are all positive conventions we thought that by giving our protagonists this form of clothing this would give an instant positive reaction towards him with our audience and show the difference from the start of the teaser trailer to this part and therefore they will be more involved and enticed. Furthermore we will be taking into consideration the colour of our clothing; the suit colour will be black. The reason why we have chosen to use the colour black is because this colour has connotations of death and darkness. As a result this will work as a signifier to our audience and also this will emphasise to them that this film will be dark, which is what we are trying to create as the genre is film noir.

Formal Clothing
Dwight who is our characters subconscious will be wearing a shirt and tie. The reason why we have chosen him to wear this is so that he looks professional. Also from the research that we conducted we noticed that the subconscious, like in Inception, also wore a shirt. As a result this will give the audience an indication who he is earlier as they are commonly represented like this in other films. Therefore they will know more about the film, which will entice them to watch on. Also by him looking professional this form of mise en scene will add realism. Furthermore the colour of the shirt and tie will also be effective. This is because the shirt colour will be white but the tie will be black, to emphasise the Sin City feeling. We have chosen this as the colour red has connotations of death and danger. As a result this will add to the sinister feeling of our teaser trailer and therefore this will also emphasise the genre of our teaser trailer.

In conclusion we think that using these costumes (mise en scene) it will make our production a lot more effective and add to the meaning and therefore involve the audience a lot more which is what we are trying to do.
Good, another detailed account of your choices with full and relevant explanations.