Tuesday 14 December 2010

Research 3 : 4 Focus Teaser Trailers

After lenghthy research of various teasers, we focused on the most relevant for our plans; we drew inspiration from five particular trailers, we thought the concepts behind them were terrific and wanted ours to live up to that standard. However, the first trailer we looked at was Sin City we were already contemplating the idea that we would go for a crime-fiction/film noir genre, but we loved the way Sin City had modernised the film noir genre, with the isolated colours; and yet at the same time made it look very sophisticated. For example, red being the main source of colour against the black and white – would either highlight blood, or a woman in a red dress or man in the red tie; we wanted ours to be unque and stand-out, and the concept of doing the neo-noir genre seemed excellent as it very stylised, we were able to create this technique with Adobe Premier Pro.

Sin City & Re-created in Premiere Pro

Inception & Matrix PostModern qualities We loved the unique concepts and plot behind each film the decentered-self in both movies, for instance two individuals lost in between two worlds as they struggle to get to grips with reality. The VFX in Inception left us in awe, we went away and reviewed what software was realisticly available to create mind-blowing effects with similarites to both films; we discrovered Adobe After Effects which contained a built-in software called Action Essentials , we wanted to create postmodern inspired Dystopia of a destroyed world like what was seen in the Matrix and Inception, which we were able to do with Action Essentials. We then wanted a non-linear narrative so audience were left guessing, and to leave the teaser with on a cliff-hanger.

Destroyed City - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xz1xRgvI6Hg

To add, the mise-en-scene in both films was very sophisticated; particularly in the Matrix the agents always had suits, but at the same time looked menacing. We knew if our film was to be taken seriously we had to make it look as though it was an actual movie, or it would seem very comedic. So we therefore went for shirt and ties as attire inspired by the agents.

We wanted our character to be very isolated, the concept behind our teaser was ‘What is real? and to question reality’? which is what messages the Matrix and Inception both send out, we then came across Fight Club where the main protagonist has Insomnia, the theory behind he exclaims ‘With Insomnia nothing seems real’! we felt this was the perfect character to base our protagonist on. Therefore, we analysed his various mannerism and copied how Fight Club portrayed Edward Norton with Insomnia which was then conveyed in our teaser trailer.


1 comment:

  1. Following some extremely detailed research from you both, this is an excellent account of the four focus trailers that you have concentrated on to create your own ambitious teaser trailer. Well done- you reference theoretical concepts and show real insight into the themes and forms of your chosen genre.
