Tuesday 14 December 2010


Why We Chose This Genre

After we conducted all of our research we had to decide from our results what genre we will use in our teaser trailer. As a result we spent a long time analysing our results critically and concluded that we will create a Film Noir/Neo Noir. The reason why we decided to create this genre was because that there are not many Film Noir films in the cinema at the moment and therefore there is a greater chance of success for our product. Also we will use conventions of a Film Noir to make it clear to our audience the genre, for instance it will be black and white. In conclusion we will be hoping to create an excellent and effective teaser trailer.

1 comment:

  1. Good, the conventions of noir have been outlined in a different post on your blog but it might be helpful to explore neo noir here, since I think your production falls into this category.
