Furthermore I also conducted extensive research into posters as I knew that as one of my ancillary texts I would have to create a poster. Below is a section of my poster analysis; however my full analysis is combined with my teaser trailer research which is the first post on our blog named ‘Extensive Research 1 - 50 Teaser Trailer's – PowerPoint’.
Inception Poster
I also analysed the ‘Inception’ poster. The first thing that I noticed was that it was coherent with the website and the teaser trailer. This is because the title of the film is in the same font and font colour and the colours used are dark and de-saturated. As a result this has shown me the necessity and importance in making sure that the ancillary texts that I create are also coherent.
Also the rule of thirds is used in the poster; as a result this makes the poster very simple but effective. Therefore the poster does not overload the viewer too much as this would draw the reader away. This has shown me now the importance and some techniques that I need to use to create a poster that is fit for purpose and as effective as possible.

2012 Poster
Also the poster for ‘2012’ is coherent with the teaser trailer and the website as the same colour scheme is used and the same image is used. This has shown me the importance of making all of the ancillary texts that I create coherent.
In addition at the bottom of the ‘2012’ poster there is a caption line, ‘We were warned,’ as a result this slogan makes the poster a lot easier to remember which is what the aim of the poster is. As a result I will make sure that I will include a slogan.

The Social Network Poster
Also the poster is very interesting and effective. This is because the poster is simple but still informs the audience what the film is about. This is because as well as the name of the film telling the films plot the images that make up the word ‘Social’ are of people socialising. As a result this shows the audience that the film will be about this and therefore this will definitely attract their target audience of teenagers and young adults. As a result this has shown me that I should use play on mechanisms to make the audience think about the poster but still make it simple like this poster.

The Island Poster
Also the poster of the film is very effective. I think this because the image is of the two characters running away. This gives the interpretation that they are escaping and therefore this makes the audience think that the film will be action packed and interesting. This has shown me that through the image and what the image shows it can entice the audience to watch the film if the image can be interpreted in different ways. As a result I will make sure that the image in my poster is interesting and entices the audience to watch the film.
Finally another aspect that I like about the poster was how the slogan is simple but is very informative. This is because by the phrase ‘Plan Your Escape’ it gives the impression that they are on the run and as this is another great way that will entice the audience to watch the film. This has shown me the slogan that I use will have to entice my target audience to watch the film by the wording and the meaning of the phrase.

Avatar Poster
The poster for the blockbuster film ‘Avatar’ was very effective. I think this because the poster shows the different from the human and the ‘Avatar’ on the sides of the poster and then the location in the middle. As a result as this is unusual and unique the audience can see the difference between the normal world and the world called Pandora. As a result they will be curious and enticed to watch the film and therefore the poster will be doing its job. Also bright colours are used so the poster is eye catching and therefore more people will see the poster and this will increase the viewers for the film. This has shown me I should make the poster eye-catching and unique to maximise the effectiveness of the poster.

Very effective Amar-you incorporate the key conventions of Film Posters and you have used an exciting blend of original images and effects.