Above is an image of the idea pitch that I created with all of our ideas condensed. In the teaser trailer that we will later create we wanted it to be exciting, enthralling and enticing for the audience and therefore make the audience want to watch it again. As a result we have used a wide range of ideas and we have used the conventions of a teaser trailer for this particular genre. Below is the synopsis for our teaser trailer plot.
The genre of our A2 production is going to be Film Noir. The main reason why we decided to use this genre was because we thought that at the moment there are not many popular Film Noir films out and therefore we thought that we would be able to entice more people to watch our production as they would have no alternative. In addition from our previous teaser trailer research we liked many of the Film Noir trailers and therefore this further persuaded us to create a Film Noir teaser trailer. Some examples of the teaser trailers that we liked were: Se7en, Batman: The Dark Knight, The Maltese Falcon and Memento. We also are planning to use aspects of other teaser trailers, these include: Inception, Sin City and Fight Club. From these teaser trailers and other various researches we conducted we realised that the conventions of a Film Noir is emphasis on the colours of black, white and red. As the colour black and red have connotations of death and danger by emphasizing these colours in our production it will instantly receive a reaction from the audience.
Furthermore we also looked at the genre of neo-noir, the difference between a film noir and a neo noir is that a film noir is from the 1940’s and therefore is less modern, however a neo noir film is a more modern and updated motion picture, an example of a neo noir film is L.A Confidential which stars Kim Basinger and was released in 1997. However despite this we still believe that the film noir genre would suit our production a lot better.
In addition we are also planning to use conventions of a teaser trailer. For instance this would include a voice over narration, institution logo at the start and music. From the previous research that we conducted we noticed how the institution logo was at the very start and therefore for our teaser trailer we will also do this so our production looks a lot more professional. Also we are planning a narration to indicate vaguely to the audience what is occurring, however as the aim of a teaser trailer is to make the audience think so we will make sure that the narration does not give too much of the plot away as then this will reduce the effectiveness of the teaser trailer. As a result we know that this is going to be difficult and we need to conduct careful planning as we must make the meaning clear as well as creating a mystery. Finally we will include a music soundtrack, the reason why we have chosen to do this is to add meaning in the teaser trailer, by this we mean that by including a tense sounding soundtrack this will rebound onto the audience and hopefully they will begin to feel tense. As this is the aim of our teaser trailer this will mean that we are sill fulfilling our initial aims.
Furthermore we will also use a wide range of camera shots, transitions and cuts. The reason why we decided in doing this is because we thought that this would make our teaser trailer not look too predictable and therefore as the audience will not know what will happen next they will hopefully be on the edge of their seat. Some examples of camera shots that we will be using are: Dutch tilt, Extreme Close Up, Long Shot, Over The Shoulder Shot and many more. Also we have planned to use a wide range of transitions for the same reason, some examples of cuts/transitions that we will use are: Fade To Black, Flashes White, Jump Cut, Zoom, Wipe and many more. As a result we think that this will improve our production as a whole.
Also we will be spending a lot of time filming as we have planned to use a wide range of iconic locations. The reason why we have done this is because we think that this will entice people to continue to watch on as they will be able to relate to the teaser trailer as they would have been to these locations. As a result we have used locations that are popular to create realism and add to the disaster that will occur in our teaser trailer. Some of the locations that we will be using are Canary Wharf, SwissRe Building, City Hall and the Business and Enterprise Conference Room in our school. Also we will also show the facial expressions regularly of the character and therefore as these will be facial expressions (mise en scene) of instability and panic we are hoping that this will rebound onto our audience and therefore involve the audience a lot more which is what we are aiming to do in our teaser trailer.
In addition we are also planning to use the popular theories that have been used throughout the film industry. The theory that we are planning to use is Toderov’s theory, this is the theory that shows normality at the start, equilibrium, and then there is a change of pace abruptly to emphasize the abnormality, disequilibrium. As a result especially for the plot in our teaser trailer we think that this theory will be perfect. This is because when the disequilibrium starts, the destruction of the iconic locations, it will have more of an effect on the audience and hopefully we will see a reaction which is what we are aiming for. Another theory that we will be considering is of Propp’s, this theory is concerned with a hero, princess, villain and donor. However as this theory is commonly used in tales we will not base our teaser trailer on this, we may use sections of it.
Moreover we will be using a lot of postmodernism. The reason why we chose postmodernism rather than modernism is because we thought that this has a much broader target audience and therefore increases the chances of success. Some conventions of postmodernism texts that we are planning to use are: Decentred Self, Pushing Boundaries, Dystopia, Cynical, and Fragmented Narrative. As a result by using these conventions we are hoping that more people will enjoy our teaser trailer and therefore our aims and objectives of the teaser trailer would have been met.
In conclusion in our A2 production we are hoping that it is an enjoyable and exciting teaser trailer that looks professional and therefore entices people to watch on and visit our ancillary texts. As a result in order to make it look professional we will be trying to use as many conventions of the genre, postmodernism and various theories to entice our target audience to watch the teaser trailer.
Excellent. Well done for thinking conceptually at the early stages. Thorough and detailed account of your choices and inspirations with regards to the genre and style. Target: Be careful with sweeping statements, black and white with low-key lighting is a central feature of noir films and the NEO NOIR films have adapted this to use colour in a significant way and to reflect modern technology and circumstances. I would suggest you research neo noir further.
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